To register as a patient at Brierley Park Medical Group, your home address must lie within the Catchment area. If you have moved address and you are no longer within our catchment area, you will need to register with a new GP surgery.
Register Online
Use this service to register with a GP surgery for the first time or to change your current GP surgery.
If you think you need medical help right now visit NHS 111 online (opens in a new tab).
If you are already registered with a GP surgery you can access some health and prescription services using NHS online services (opens in a new tab).
How long it takes
It takes around 15 minutes to complete a registration. You need to complete the process in one session. If you are registering more than one person make sure to give yourself enough time.
Your chosen GP surgery should register you within 2 weeks of receiving your details.
If you are registering more than one person
For multiple or family registrations you need to complete a registration for each person before submitting them all at once.
If you are registering children under the age of 16 years it is important that you register yourself first.
Before you start
You do not need your NHS number, but it could make registration easier.
We may ask you for:
- details of previous GP surgery
- basic health and medical information
The information you provide will be used to identify the correct medical records. It will also help the GP surgery to offer relevant and appropriate healthcare services.
Fill in a paper form
Download and print the registration forms
- Get a paper copy from the surgery
When you have completed the form, please send it to the surgery by email or drop it off at reception.
It’s helpful if you bring or include a copy of your ID.
This could be:
- passport
- birth certificate
- HC2 certificate
- rough sleepers’ identity badge
- hostel or accommodation registration or mail forwarding letter
You do not need your NHS Number to register as a patient. However, in order for us to achieve a smooth and error free registration your NHS Number is an integral part of your care.
- *Please note that this map currently displays only the previous catchment area for the Brierley Park Medical Group’s Huthwaite site. We are in the process of updating it to include the catchment area for the Skegby site. If you’re unsure whether you are within the catchment area, please feel free to contact us.
Catchment Area
Guide to GP Services
The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them. You can download the guide below.
Non-English Speakers
These fact sheets have been written to explain the role of UK health services, the National Health Service (NHS), to newly-arrived individuals seeking asylum. They cover issues such as the role of GPs, their function as gatekeepers to the health services, how to register and how to access emergency services.
Special care has been taken to ensure that information is given in clear language, and the content and style has been tested with user groups.
Open the leaflets in one of the following languages:
Temporary Patients
If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.
You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice.
To register as a temporary patient simply contact the local practice you wish to use. Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.